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Estimating Franchise emissions
Estimating Franchise emissions
Updated yesterday

The methodology available in the Altruistiq Franchise Engagement module for estimating emissions for franchises that have not responded to data requests is based on the GHG Protocol Franchises guidance. This allows customers to extrapolate data based on the data received from responding franchises.

In order to make this extrapolation more accurate, it is recommended to organise Franchises into groups with similar anticipated emissions intensities. Some possible ways of grouping franchises include location (e.g., country โ€“ particularly if electricity emission factors differ significantly among countries), building type, financial turnover, etc. This grouping can be accomplished by registering Franchises as belonging to a Business Unit in the Altruistiq app.

The Altruistiq platform additionally allows the further refinement of this grouping by defining the number of facilities operated by each Franchise in a group. Thus a per facility emissions intensity is created for the Franchise group, and is then applied to the non-responding Franchises in the group.

In the case where a group of Franchises has no data at all, it is possible to use the data from another group (eg. Business Unit) to estimate their emissions. It is recommended to choose a group that is anticipated to have a similar emissions intensity.

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